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    Beyond Data to Emotional Insights: Understanding Consumer Preferences.

    I was reading some data about to be released by the International Food Information Council (IFIC) in their Consumer Research on Processed Foods report. It tells us that 87% of American consumers score taste at…

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    Gaining Consumer Trust in Cell-Based Meat and Alternative Proteins.

    Consumers can be very vocal with their concerns around the ethical, environmental and health related impacts of producing and consuming meat. There is increasing pressure on companies operating in this sector to acknowledge these concerns…

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    Revealing your Brand’s Emotional Signature: going beyond surface perceptions.

    In my discussions with brand owners, many express a confident grasp of their consumers’ emotional responses to their brand. “My brand makes the consumer feel like this,” they often assert. While such clarity is commendable,…

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    Connecting Emotional/Sensorial pathways to differentiate toothpaste.

    In the area of consumer goods, the subtle yet profound sensory experiences often serve as the cornerstone of product differentiation. Take, for instance, the seemingly straightforward task of choosing a minty toothpaste. During a recent…

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    Crafting Consumer Experiences: moving beyond functionality.

    Moving Beyond Functionality to Emotional Connection in Brand Development In today’s competitive landscape, mere functionality is no longer sufficient for consumer goods. Shower gels must offer more than just cleanliness, sodas need to transcend mere…

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