How did Quorn extend its consumer base from vegetarian and vegan to all meat reducers?
The Question – How do we position ourselves for Meat Reducers as well as Vegetarians and Vegans
The Quorn team wanted to make a step change in growing their market by attracting a significant number of meat reducing consumers as well as vegetarians to their products.
The question was: how do we appeal to meat reducing consumers without alienating our loyal vegetarian consumers?
The Marketing Clinic Approach – It is not just about replicating Meat.
Using our psychological tools and expertise we were able to identify the specific aspects of the Quorn consumption experience which triggered preference amongst both vegetarians and meat reducers. We identified the key emotional outtakes and how and why they were prompted by the sensorial experience.
For the meat reducers they weren’t necessarily those that most replicated meat, but rather a combination of textural and flavour cues which produced a satisfying eating experience whilst also eliciting Quorn’s meat free, healthier, and environmentally friendly credentials.
The Outcome – Wider appeal to reducers as well as non-meat eaters.
With this knowledge they were ahead of the environmentally conscious and meat reducing trends. The Quorn team improved the flavour profile and texture of selected products in order to generate the right emotions with all consumers and sharpened their communications message. As this sector grows Quorn have been ideally positioned and prepared to continue to significant and ongoing sales growth, preference and loyalty.