Improving Brand Preference
Your most valuable consumers are your brand advocates whose passion and commitment enthuses and converts others. These have all been on an emotional journey from encounter through acquisition and adoption to advocacy.
Understanding what motivates them either to remain in a stage or to progress should underpin the brand strategy. From such insights we can orchestrate the journey to move consumers forwards.
We developed the Consumer Commitment Curve to explain the stages so we could decode where brands had most issues and identify how to solve the problems. It is this use of our Emotional Database to overcome issues that makes us able to work across categories to such advantage.
Identifying Problems, Overcoming Barriers
Many brands are great at the Encounter phase – recruiting new consumers to trial – but then fail to turn interest into brand loyalty. Other clients we have worked with have serial consumer triallists –but they still find a problem that is stopping them being true advocates. (See the Dr Pepper case study for how we dealt with just such an issue).
Do you understand where the biggest hurdles are that you have (unknowingly left or placed) in the way of your consumers moving through the stages?. If you do not yet understand what needs to be done to facilitate and improve the journey – then this is your next strategic decision – and we can help.
We decode the consumer Experience and show how best to dial up the desires and decrease the deficits and then we can help you to Deliver Preference – It’s what we do!